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I’ve often found it difficult to get motivated to train for many reasons. But having regular PT sessions with Mark has helped me so much. It gives me the structure and motivation I need to keep me going and to keep me doing exercise. I still have weeks which are harder than others due to work and family commitments but by working with Mark in regular PT sessions, I find it really helps me to create a routine that is incredibly beneficial. It helps that Mark really knows his stuff and is always looking at the latest research to help give his clients the latest information and techniques too. I would definitely recommend Mark and Bodyworks to anyone, no matter what your fitness goals are.

Paul S , Whitstable

Thanks to the work of Mark Chapman I’m fitter & healthier at over 50 than I have been since I was in my 20’s. Mark is patient, encouraging & motivating. I now have the ability & enthusiasm to be able to train between my weekly sessions. I would highly recommend Bodyworks PT.

Sally from Whitstable

Having not previously enjoyed personal training, I have found my sessions with Mark a real motivation! He builds sessions that are truly about your goals and your needs. Always brings his wide experience, good insight and fun. I never get bored. I have built up my strength and am regularly upping my season best for my running. I highly recommend Mark and Bodyworks


After a couple of years of minimal exercise and weekends spent with the family & DIY I needed a kick start to get back into shape. Weekly Personal training sessions with Mark have been excellent he listened carefully to my needs and with varied weekly sessions has helped me get back on track. In particular niggly back pain and stiff neck/shoulders are now gone as we worked together to strengthen these areas in particular lower back and core which generally become weak when you sit on a PC all day in your job. Thanks again for all your help I would highly recommend.

Mark Jenkins

I had been thinking about using a personal trainer for a couple of years,everytime i went past a sports shop or health store where there were adverts for trainers i kept thinkingi'll give them a call sometime, i just never got round to it. A colleague at work whose sister works at a gym recommended Mark , so i decided to give him a call,we organised a time to have a session, being sceptical by nature i was wary of what was to come,but i have to say, Mark was extremely pleasant and professional and has real passion for what he does so i really felt like i wanted to give this a go,we started having sessions back in May 2009, after a couple of months i couldnt believe the results, i felt a lot fitter and healthier. A lot of friends asked me if it was worth the money, but for the session which is 40 pounds, Mark would also text me during the week to make sure i was keeping up with the exercises and nutritional advice. I think having that one hr a week set me up for the rest of the week to do what i needed and as it was controlled and surpervised there was less chance of injury. I cant recommend Mark enough , and now my wife sees him occaisionally for sessions, my advice is to give it a go,what do u have to lose.

Dr D Siva.

'I decided to start personal training sessions because I couldn't get motivated to exercise again on my own. Mark made our exercise sessions fun and continuously changed my routine to keep me motivated and to challenge my muscles more. I wanted to work on my upper body strength as well as improve my cardiovascular fitness. Sessions included shuttle runs, lunges, squats, press ups, boxing, tricep dips and core muscle exercises to name a few. I would recommend Mark for his enthusiasm and his wealth of training knowledge. No muscle is safe!'

Lucy Goodfellow

I had been a member of a gym for about a year before I had personal training with Mark. I was amazed at how much more I could do when he was there, encouraging me to work a bit harder. I came out of each session feeling that I could take on anything. He just inspires you to challenge yourself. Try a session with Mark--he's a great trainer.

Sue Goddard

I spoke to Mark Chapman when I was researching personal trainers in my area. Unfortunately, training at home was not an option for me but Mark then recommended another trainer in my area who did have use of a studio. Initially, I assumed this other trainer worked for Mark, but after meeting Elliott (the other trainer), I soon realised that he too had his own company and that Mark had simply done a vey nice gesture though he would not be receiving the custom. I thought to myself, how many other trainers would do what Mark did? Very few I am sure! Mark listened patiently to what I was looking for and I am happy to say, had organised for Elliott to call me. I met Elliott (Mark's recommended trainer) and found him to be very patient, thorough and passionate about what he does. In my research, I found many trainers did not have the courtesy to return my enquiries -these are probably the same people who complain about the credit crunch and the decreasing number of clients they have! In the past, I had trainers who were good but had no sense of humour or personality, this is not the case with Mark or Elliott, the reason for this is because they do what they love where some trainers (as we see many people in our society) do it because it is a great way to make a living, a job they must do or what they feel they have to do, because they can no longer play rugby or football professionally or semi-professionally anymore because of an injury. By wanting to simply help people, I am confident that all the good favours Mark bestows on others will return many times over to him!

From Deborah

Personal training is great! You do not lose time to go to the gym and as Mark is always on time, you start working out straight away. As I am really keen on having my heart rate up and to get toned, we start with running for 15 minutes followed by either kick boxing, alternate lunges, leg squats with weights or press ups. Each training session is different due to the variety of gym equipment that Mark owns and due to his extensive personal training experience, you really feel good and healthy, which is especially important at this time of the year!

Claudia Schuitemaker

After a year overseas travelling, I had put on a stone since coming back to a sedentary desk job in London. Enough was enough and I contacted Mark in the New Year to kick start myself into actually doing some exercise, tone up, and lose weight. Through a combination of boxing, stretching, and using weights amongst other things, my measurements over 10 weeks have reduced! Some results were 4 and a half inches from hips, bottom and thighs, bodyfat 2% lower, blood pressure and resting heart rate lowered and the lung fitness test results were improved. I am so much more confident, toned and can really see the difference in my body shape – others have noticed too and commented which feels great. I could barely do a single press up before working with Mark, and now am proud that I can do several sets of them! Mark is approachable, knowledgeable with respect to both fitness and dietary advice, and is genuinely dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. I would highly recommend Mark to anyone, whatever your fitness level, and am happy to e mail or speak to people who would like to hear more!

Jen Goddard

Many thanks for all your care, attention and encouragement over the last two months. I came to you on January 15th with the remit to get me ski fit by 11th March. I am 60 and was 14.4 stone with an unhealthy diet, a blowout Christmas behind me, dodgy knees, back and wrist. You kept me on track and my body safe from injury with instructive use of all the equipment, boxing and floor work. My knees and back are much improved with the strengthening of my muscles, my core strength is immeasurably better, I am now 13.4 stone and ready to go skiing on Sunday.

Emma Daniel

I found Mark to be extremely professional from initial medical assessmentright through to the carefully customised training plan. His consistent approach checking allthe time about my comfort zone and state of mind demonstrated his intuitive training methodsand extensive experience. I had had poorly qualified trainers in the past, hence Mark'sability and professionalism were all the more welcome. I would recommend Mark to any clientwho may feel nervous as he is able to make one feel confident and capable of improvement.


Working with Mark is always a great experience. Not only is he a highly qualified professional, but he is always friendly,creative, positive and, most crucially, motivating. In our time together,I have lost weight, increased flexibility and strength in a problem shoulder,and massively increased my stamina. I started running for the first time since leaving school and completed two10k fun runs in the last year. Mark is always gently but persistently pushing you to increase your performance and is always looking for new ways to make the session interesting,relevant and fun. If you need a push start your fitness, or need some help recovering your fitness after an injury or to just want to change your regime then call Mark. I can't recommend him highly enough.

Peter Hodgson

I have no hesitation in recommending Mark. He tailors his approach to the needs of his client and focuses on making the programme varied and appealing. He is knowledgeable and stays up to date on relevant matters and techniques.

Pesh Framjee

As a client for over 5yrs I definitely tap into the more mature end of the fitness ladder. Mark cleverly designs a fitness regime for someone my age and my ever-growing aches and pains incurred with age! This must not be confused with getting off lightly as a session with Mark will always leave me feeling like I've had an excellent workout and more importantly feeling that extra bit younger ready to take on the ski slopes and bike challenges that I've not yet given up on!

Loretta Harris

Mark is a fantastic trainer and is really easy to get on with. He makes working out fun. He had given me lots of advice about various injuries I have picked up and he is extremely knowledgeable about which exercises will help me. Mark has taught me the correct techniques to use and has helped me reduce the amount of injuries I was constantly getting. Mark is dedicated to getting the best out of me. He is not one of these pushy characters, he clearly knows my limits and when to stop. Thanks for all the encouragement you have given me and for the friendship that we have developed over the past year or so.

Matthew Robson.

I found most fitness training very boring and hard to motivate myself to do, especially exercising on my own. Mark is an excellent trainer who is both knowledgeable and able to adapt to your own goals and limitations. My personal aims were simply to lose weight and feel healthier and I'm well on the road thanks to Mark. We either work in my lounge doing weights, boxing, press-ups, lunges, squats and a never ending variety of other exercises I'd never heard of before, or we'll go running locally. When we started I couldn't even run up a hill without having to give up, whilst now I'm regularly running 10k's and actually enjoying it thanks to how much fitter I feel. Having a regular time slot each week means you can't find an excuse not to exercise and whilst sometimes you'll grimace as he asks you for "just three more", he'll always know your limits. I would recommend to anyone wary about hiring a personal trainer to give Mark a try.

Michael Butlin

I am a working mum in an active job. I also have an injury to my knee which limits what I can do in the gym. Just going on the bikes can get a bit boring!!!! Mark has been training me for the last few months helping me to get my knee as strong as possible. He comes to my house & we train in my garden. Mark worked with me and I now have a range of exercises I can do without causing further damage to my knee. I can honestly say that I work harder with Mark than I do in the gym!! To be able to work with someone who knows when to push me & to show me when I'm doing things wrong is fantastic!


I never believed Personal Trainers could make a difference and could provide value for money. I was a member of a gym and thought that by going to the gym three times a week, I could get fit, lose weight and tone up.
After fours years, with not much success I was finally persuaded to use a Personal Trainer to see if they actually made a difference.
I initially signed up for five sessions with Mark. I told him "I don't run, I don't jog and I don't like to sweat". After two sessions I was amazed to actually see my body shape starting to tone up in all the right places.
Mark got me boxing, doing squats using dumbbells, bands and an exercise ball. With the results I was getting I was actually hooked and so was my husband, to the extent that he actively encourages me to continue using Mark.
I can honestly say that having a Personal Trainer makes a huge difference and I have been highly recommending Mark to friends and other non-believers.

Stella Sutton